Monday, July 29, 2013

Melting Crayons Craft

Hello fellow Crafters!
Remember those old boxes of crayons that you never used in 6th grade? Now there is a use!! I loved melting these crayons onto an empty canvas because i just made the world full of colors. 
In order to make the melting crayons you need:
1) Blank canvas
2) 1 or 2 boxes of crayons (I uses two boxes of 12)
3) Hot glue
4) Hair Dryer
I lined my crayons in color order to make it like a melting rainbow but you can use the colors in any order. Put the hot glue on the canvas (do small sections at a time for best results) and put the crayons on it. Let the crayons and hot glue settle in for 5 minutes. (The next step is messy so make sure you have the proper materials) Use the blow dryer and set it on high heat and low blowing. Angle the blower down to get the dripping affect. Do this until you get the results you want! Enjoy :)

Stay Creative,

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